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The market is imperfect, but it was never meant to be so vicious. In its current state, it is only a matter of time before another investor gets liquidated of all their asset. The Deployer could not let this go on for much longer.
That was why he sent Floki the Creator as an Elastic Rebase Token on the Binance Smart Chain. As a rebase token, Floki the Creator’s task is simple - protect investors from the unforgiving nature of the market.
Floki the Creator has a special package for token holders - 5% (in USDT) of every buy or sell transaction is redistributed to his holders as loyalty rewards.
Instead of a token with brief giddy highs and eternal soul-crushing lows, Floki the Creator gives you stability. A token that does not depreciate in value and passively rewards you for holding. No doubt, Floki the Creator is the gift that keeps on giving. All he asks of you is to never stop believing.